Tuesday, August 17, 2010

[me] Sitting On My Biscuit, Not Having To Risk It

Just wanted to check in on all the roaming internet lovelies and let you know what I've been doing the past few days (besides summer assignments...I feel a resounding "boo" coming on).
1. Watching The Office, Under the Cherry Moon, Graffiti Bridge (LOVE that soundtrack), and Spice World!!!
2. Listening to the greatest album I've heard this week, Come by Prince. It's like a movie, but only sound. Clever phrasing, thank you very much.
3. Realizing the utter importance of bead bracelets, Doc Martens, and jobs.

So for a quick window into my soul, I've had an epiphany about an hour ago that I really have so little/nothing to complain about. School is school, and one day I'll miss it. I'm only so fresh on this earth, and I want to take one step at a time. And salads have become an integral part of my diet. Sorta. But when they aren't, there's always crunches to save the day :)

Love love love life and don't take anything 4 granted.
Peace and be wild,

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