Wednesday, September 1, 2010

[fashion] So Beat, Oh So Beat

Let me get the introductions over with, so you can oogle at these pictures like I did/will. I absolutely adore the transformations that makeup can do on a blank canvas of a face. It's one of the most interesting parts of fashion in my true humble opinion. I snagged a few beauty shots off the internet (there are thousands more, I know I left out vital ones), I just the ones that particularly caught my eye. If only, if only.... (because I would rock these looks to school/ out & about IN A HEARTBEAT if I knew how) And I just want to inform you that it took every bit of will in my being to leave out pictures of Michael Jackson and Prince. I might just add them on later because I know of quite a few great shots :)

PS- For those of you who don't already know, when a face is "beat", it's an expression meaning the makeup is done flawlessly. In case you haven't already picked up on this, I rarely explain my titles, and I probably won't ever again, but I thought, just this once, I'd share it with you :)

From my heart to yours...
Respect all art. 

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