Thursday, May 5, 2011

[fashion] Big Tall Wall

^^^ This song keeps eluding me. Prince reference. Moving on...

Say hello to my fantasy life! It was legitimately the most beautiful day of the week, I couldn't resist spending a little time outside. I chatted up the trees and they have a lot to say :)
My inspiration for this outfit was Prince, ironically. Last night while I was supposed to be doing the homework I've been ignoring for weeks, but I decided to do a Google search of Prince. THE MAN IS SO PRETTY. I repeated that phrase about 10 times today, but it's just true. And I'm not the only one who feels that way: LA Weekly knows what's what.
But back to the point, this morning was such a breeze. I've had this outfit planned already, so it took no thinking at all. It wasn't raining by the time I got to school, I listened to Maxwell during class, my hair is getting longer, so today was an all-around good day!
Smile a little,

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