Wednesday, June 9, 2010

[fashion] Silver and GOLD

It's finally here! After the grading and me forgetting to ask for it back, I have official custody of our project, GOLD Magazine. Before I put up all the pages (and the fabulous ads included) I wanted to tell you a bit about the project. For our 4th quarter project, we were to link up with 2-3 other students and create a magazine, complete with at least 4 ads (made by us, pictures from Google), 5 articles, a table of contents, and all other trappings that belong in magazines. As previously mentioned, I worked my group to the bone about it, and it paid off! We were all very excited about it and without further ado, the first issue of GOLD Magazine!

HELPFUL REMINDER: The names of everyone (but me and Oprah Winfrey, who,of course, was glad to help us out on this project) have been changed to protect identity. And the email addresses aren't real, but you can try sending something if you so desire.

Sorry if the print is small, but I'm sure there's a way to expand the pictures on your computer. Happy reading! Until next time, may you reach the goals you set and learn the lessons in between.

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